Race Training Check In – 5 months (21 Weeks) out

First of all, if you haven’t seen it yet, Eric ‘Squatchy’ Bristol of Team Chasing Tail created this amazing video of our Reach the Beach MA experience.  Enjoy it!  Team Chasing Tail at RTB video

Now, onto the new post: 
If there is one thing I have learned over 11 marathons, it’s that the race itself is challenging but the real work comes in the months before in order to prepare.  I created a monthly training calendar with a tentative schedule for long runs so I can clearly plan out what distances I will do each weekend.  This is especially important when training through the summer since the weekends become very busy with other obligations.  I find that organizing my training plan ahead of time keeps me in check and allows me to get in all the long runs I need before the race.

This is kind of what I looked like
after Saturdays run.
Since I didn’t do a spring marathon I kept a nice base throughout the winter where I was comfortable with 8-10 miles so moving into the training season was pretty easy.  I’ve been able to increase mileage enough to do some 14s and maybe a 16 in the new month.  I’m in a great spot so the goal right now is to gradually increase mileage and not get hurt.  I’m battling an uncomfortable chest cold right now that I think we can blame on two days of running in the rain.  This past weekend’s run was a great example of dealing with the elements regardless of how unfavorable they are.  Fellow runner/ blogger Jordan Vance is always teasing me when I complain about running in the rain.  I used to avoid it as much as possible but you never know what the weather will be like on race day so when I woke up early on Saturday morning I decided to get my 10 mile run in right away before I talked myself out of it.  It wasn’t all bad but around mile 6 I believe I literally laughed out loud when the rain was pouring on me.  No one else was out running yet (I got out at 6am) and the few drivers on the road must have thought I was insane but I felt tough.  Unfortunately now I just feel sick.  I’m hoping that lots of rest and hydration should take care of it. 

The plan for June is to increase mileage a small amount, try to run some more hills and maybe implement a bit of speed work.  It’s very convenient for me to train on the river each weekend but it’s rather flat and the NYC course is not.  With this in mind, I finally got back to Somerville Road Runners Thursday night run out of Casey’s in Somerville last week.  They are such a great group and I love spending time with them.  The Casey’s course is pretty challenging and a great way to get some hills in during the week.  It’s also a lot of fun to run with the group and enjoy some pizza and beers after.  If you haven’t been before I highly recommend it. 

June will be a very busy month for me.  I have an event of some kind going on every weekend including a wedding, volunteering at the Patriot Triathlon and racing the Fairfield Half Marathon, not to mention mentally preparing for my birthday (look out for that post next month).  The schedule will call for some flexibility but it’s important that I get the miles in because in July I will jump up to 16 and 18 mile long runs that I will hopefully be prepared for. 

There is also another very important component for training for NYC and that is my commitment to the American Liver Foundation.  My fundraising is going well and many of my friends and family have been incredibly generous.  The funds I raise will go toward ALF’s mission of providing education, research, advocacy and support for the 30 million Americans affected by liver disease.  Please consider supporting my campaign and help me surpass my goal of $3500 by race day!  You can make a tax deductible donation by visiting my Online Fundraising Page.  Thank you everyone who has already contributed. 

I would love to hear how others manage a training schedule through the busy summer months.  Leave a comment to share your advice or your struggles with fall marathon training.  Thanks for reading!